The “Skytrain Markings” Mystery – The Secret Messages of Vancouver’s Transit System

April 26, 2023 By Mike

The “Skytrain Markings” Mystery – The Secret Messages of Vancouver’s Transit System

If you’ve ever taken a ride on Vancouver’s Skytrain system, you may have noticed some strange symbols and markings on the walls and floors of the stations. These mysterious markings have been puzzling commuters and transit authorities alike for several years, with no clear explanation as to their purpose or origin.

In this article, we’ll delve into the details of the “Skytrain Markings” mystery, exploring the different theories and speculations surrounding these cryptic symbols.

The Origins of the “Skytrain Markings”

The first recorded sighting of the “Skytrain Markings” was in 2015, when a transit worker noticed strange symbols on the floor of the Granville Station. Since then, similar markings have been found in various Skytrain stations throughout the city, including Waterfront, Stadium-Chinatown, and Commercial-Broadway.

The symbols themselves are a mix of lines, circles, and geometric shapes, often arranged in intricate patterns or sequences. Some of the symbols appear to be hand-drawn, while others are more uniform and precise.

At first, many assumed that the markings were simply the work of vandals or graffiti artists. However, as more and more markings were discovered in different stations, it became clear that this was something much more organized and deliberate.

The Theories and Speculations

So, what do these symbols mean? That’s the question that has been stumping transit authorities and curious commuters alike for years. Here are a few of the most popular theories and speculations:

  1. Secret Codes and Messages

One theory is that the markings are a type of secret code or message system. Some have suggested that they may be related to underground organizations or groups, communicating messages to members or followers.

However, despite extensive research and analysis, no clear message or pattern has emerged from the symbols. This has led many to dismiss this theory as unlikely.

  1. Artistic Expression
  2. Forms of Artistic Expression

Another theory is that the markings are simply a form of artistic expression. Some have argued that they may be the work of a single artist or collective, using the Skytrain stations as a canvas for their creations.

While this theory is certainly more plausible than the idea of secret codes, it still doesn’t explain the purpose behind the symbols. And without any clear statement from the artist(s) themselves, it remains purely speculative.

  1. Transit Mapping

A third theory is that the markings may be related to transit mapping, helping commuters navigate the Skytrain system more easily. This theory suggests that the symbols may be indicating transfer points, important landmarks, or other key features of the stations.

While this theory does make some sense, it still doesn’t explain the complexity and variety of the symbols. If they were simply meant to be directional markers, why are there so many different types of symbols in different stations?

  1. Cryptography

A fourth theory is that the markings are a type of cryptographic puzzle or challenge. This theory suggests that the symbols may be part of a larger puzzle, requiring decryption or translation to reveal a hidden message or prize.

While this theory is intriguing, it also seems unlikely given the lack of any clear pattern or sequence to the symbols. And without any clues or hints, it’s hard to see how anyone could solve the puzzle.

The Debate Continues

Despite years of speculation and investigation, the “Skytrain Markings” mystery remains unsolved. Transit authorities have tried painting over the symbols, only to have them reappear in new locations. They’ve also offered a reward for information leading to the identity of the person(s) responsible, but so far, no one has come forward.

As for commuters, opinions on the markings are divided. Some find them intriguing and fascinating, adding an element of mystery and intrigue to their daily commute. Others find them frustrating or even concerning, wondering if they represent a security risk or potential danger.

Despite the ongoing debate, one thing is clear: the “Skytrain Markings” mystery has captured the imagination of many, and shows no signs of fading away anytime soon.


The “Skytrain Markings” mystery is a testament to the power of intrigue and curiosity. Despite years of investigation and speculation, no clear explanation has emerged for the cryptic symbols that continue to appear in Vancouver’s Skytrain stations.

Whether they represent a secret code, an artistic statement, or something else entirely, the markings have captured the attention of many and sparked debate and discussion. And while the mystery may never be fully solved, it’s clear that the “Skytrain Markings” have left their mark on the city’s transit system and the people who ride it.